Icy moons’ puzzling features may be due to salty ice

Researchers at the University of Washington have created new forms of salty ice hydrates. They might explain unusual surface markings on icy moons like Europa.

59 new exoplanets discovered around nearby stars

Astronomers have discovered 59 new exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars. Twelve are potentially habitable. They all lie within 65 light-years of our sun.

A supermassive black hole has astronomers talking

Fast star formation - and a central supermassive black hole obscured by dust - characterize a new, very distant galaxy labeled COS-87259.

Chinese Mars rover not moving. Is it kaput?

The Chinese Mars rover Zhurong has not moved since at least September 2022. Has its mission ended? There’s been no official word from the Chinese space agency.

Auroras on Jupiter’s moons seen in new light

Astronomers have detected auroras on Jupiter's moons in visible light wavelengths for the 1st time using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, and other telescopes.

Will brain changes in fighter pilots help astronauts?

Researchers in Belgium showed how brain changes in fighter pilots can help astronauts cope with the effects of space travel.

Detecting asteroids near the sun with NEOMIR

NEOMIR - an early asteroid warning system - will target asteroids near the sun. It will look for and monitor asteroids 65 feet (20 m) and larger.

Of 4 types of planetary systems, ours is rarest

A new study suggests there are 4 types of planetary systems. The Ordered class, which includes our own solar system, is the rarest.

Black holes as source of mysterious dark energy

Researchers have found evidence for black holes as the source of dark energy in our universe. This would solve a long-standing mystery in cosmology.

Nearby Earth-size exoplanet may be habitable

Meet Wolf 1069 b, an Earth-size exoplanet only 31 light-years away that resides in its star's habitable zone. It's an ideal target in the search for alien life.