Ancient lake on Titan could have lasted thousands of years

Researchers at MIT say that a former liquid water lake on Titan - Saturn's large moon - might have existed for tens of thousands of years.

Tau Boötis’ pole flip was 15 years ago

On March 13, 2008, astronomers published the first study showing Tau Boötis experienced a pole flip. That's something we had previously only seen on the sun.

Globe at Night asks you to help study light pollution

Participate in the March campaign for Globe at Night by looking at Orion and reporting how many of its stars you can see.

Round sand dunes on Mars puzzle scientists

NASA has just released a new photo, taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, of intriguing round sand dunes on Mars. How did they form?

Exploring Mars caves, leaving ‘breadcrumbs’

Researchers have developed a "breadcrumb" system that small autonomous robot rovers might use in exploring Mars caves and lava tubes.

A (hypothetical) planet to end life on Earth

Could a super-Earth end life on Earth? Computer simulations suggest that such a world - orbiting between Mars and Jupiter - would be bad news for Earth.

Sunrays on Mars, captured by Curiosity

NASA's Curiosity rover has captured our 1st clear image of crepuscular rays or sunrays on Mars. The rover also caught cloud iridescence on Mars.

Watch DART asteroid impact in Hubble movie

NASA has released a new Hubble movie of the DART asteroid impact from September 26, 2022. The sequence of images shows the impact and resulting spray of debris.

Satellites are photobombing Hubble

A new study shows satellites are photobombing Hubble more and more often, ruining observations and negatively impacting science.

Finding life on Mars requires more powerful tools

An international team of scientists says that finding conclusive evidence of life on Mars will require better tools than those on the current rovers.