Bumping up against a parallel universe

An analysis of the cosmic microwave background revealed bright spots, possible imprints left when an alternate universe bumped ours shortly after the Big Bang.

Dishdance, a tribute to radio telescopes

This new and beautiful video - called Dishdance - is part of project Skyglow. It's a beautiful timelapse medley of radio astronomy facilities.

Amazing new images from Mars rover

Awesome views, including some selfies, from the Mars Curiosity rover. The rover is looking across Gale Crater, approaching a large dune with ripples.

Video: EarthSky News with Deborah Byrd

All the news you can fit into outer space with LIVE on Slooh.com Wednesdays at 11 a.m. ET (1600 UTC). Or watch right here!

Does Earth create dark matter hairs?

Theoretical calculations by a JPL astronomer suggest that streams of dark matter - passing through Earth - would emerge as ultra-dense filaments or "hairs."

Mars to lose a moon, gain a ring

Mars’ large moon Phobos is slowly falling toward the planet. In 20-40 million years, it'll shatter, and its pieces will form a Saturn-like ring around Mars.

Is it true that Jupiter protects Earth?

Jupiter's gravity slings long-period comets out of harm's way, while nudging some asteroids closer to Earth. And, in 1770, Jupiter took aim on Earth - but missed.

Blue Origin soft-lands a rocket!

And Jeff Bezos, which founded the private spaceflight company, sends his first-ever tweet. Congratulations, Blue Origin!

The Cheshire Cat group of galaxies

A lot of dark matter lies between us and these distant galaxies. Light distortion from gravitational lensing creates the "cat."

A nearby dark matter galaxy?

Measurements of the velocities of just six stars in a galaxy of only 1,000 visible stars suggest the highest concentration of dark matter of any known galaxy. Holy grail? Or is there another explanation?