Brown dwarfs hiding in plain sight

Brown dwarfs are like stars, but too small to ignite fusion in their cores and so shine as stars do. If you saw one, it wouldn't be brown. It'd be magenta.

Listen to Jupiter’s auroras

Plus more cool stuff from the Juno spacecraft's August 27 closest-yet flyby of Jupiter.

Update on Dawn mission to Ceres

The Dawn spacecraft is still orbiting Ceres. It went into an extended mission mode on July 1. Some mission highlights and current thinking, here.

SDO sees a double eclipse

Cool video! On September 1, the Earth-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory caught both Earth and the moon crossing in front of the sun.

Philae comet lander … found!

With only a month left of the Rosetta mission, the Philae comet lander has been found wedged into a dark crack on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.

A quasar Milky Way six million years ago?

As the first human ancestors walked the Earth, our galaxy's central black hole might have been in the process of blasting away most of the galaxy's normal matter.

Space X explosion at Cape Canaveral

No injuries in Thursday's explosion on a SpaceX launch pad at Cape Canaveral. But Facebook's planned satellite is no more.

New record for farthest galaxy cluster

A new record for the most distant galaxy cluster has been set. Astronomers say the cluster, 11.1 billion light-years away, might have been caught right after birth.

No alien signal, says SETI astronomer

A strong signal from a sunlike star sparked speculation this week that we might - at last - have heard from an alien civilization. Now astronomers say ... no.

Will Planet 9 spell doom for solar system?

No, not Nibiru. Theoretical astronomers describe how a hypothetical Planet 9 could hurtle Jupiter into interstellar space when the sun dies, billions of years from now.

Matching Donation Campaign

Exciting news! EarthSky received a $50,000 gift, with a request that it be used to collect matching funds. Please help us meet this match by donating to EarthSky today!

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