Listen to Earth’s magnetic song

Scientists have created a recording of the eerie ‘song’ that Earth sings when it’s hit by a solar storm.

New global geologic map of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

The 1st-ever map showing the global geology of Saturn's moon Titan reveals a dynamic world of dunes, lakes, plains, craters and other terrains.

ESA studies human hibernation for space travel

In movies and books, fictional astronauts enter ‘suspended animation’ to cross the vastness of space. Recently ESA investigated how real-life crew hibernation would impact a space mission to Mars.

Curiosity’s ‘mind-boggling’ new Mars mystery: oxygen

Scientists are still trying to figure out where Mars' methane comes from. Now there's a new mystery that might be connected: unusual fluctuations of oxygen in Mars' atmosphere, detected by the Curiosity rover.

Black hole hurls star out of Milky Way

Astronomers have spotted a star - S5-HVs1 - speeding out of the Milky Way at around 4 million miles (more than 6 million km) per hour. They believe it's being ejected from our galaxy after venturing too near the giant black hole at the Milky Way's heart about 5 million years ago.

Awesome nightscape photos from New Mexico’s Very Large Array

Observatories are great places to view and photograph the night sky. Tips from an astrophotographer's trip to the Very Large Array in New Mexico - to help you plan your next astrophotography adventure - plus awesome photos.

Friday’s spacewalk is underway

Click in to learn how to watch 2 International Space Station astronauts perform the 1st in a series of spacewalks NASA is calling "the most complex in a decade."

10 years 10 suns

From ESA's Proba-2 satellite, images of the sun in January or February of each year from 2010 to 2019. This mosaic neatly shows the variability in the solar atmosphere in beautiful detail.

Ultima Thule renamed to avoid Nazi link

The distant Kuiper Belt object formerly known as 2014 MU69 - later known as Ultima Thule - has been renamed again. Its new name is Arrokoth.

Hubble captures a dozen galaxy doppelgangers

The distant galaxy in this image is nicknamed the Sunburst Arc. It's been lensed into multiple images by a massive, intervening galaxy cluster. A recent study revealed that the 4 bright arcs in this Hubble image contain 12 images - cosmic doppelgangers - of this very distant galaxy.