A new way to detect oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres

In recent years, astronomers have pondered the search for biosignatures, or signs of life, in the atmospheres of distant exoplanets. Will the James Webb Space Telescope - due to launch in 2021 - be able to detect them? A new technique says yes.

It’s probably nothing: Gravitational wave burst detected near Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse has dimmed recently, prompting some to wonder if it's about to explode. An explosion might trigger a gravitational wave burst. Betelgeuse is still there. The nearby gravitational wave burst probably means nothing for this star. Still ... 

Meet 2020 AV2, the 1st asteroid entirely within the orbit of Venus

It's difficult to see objects whose orbits are within that of Venus, because those objects always stay near the sun in our sky. Now, though, astronomers have spotted one!

Crab Nebula: Visualize an exploded star

A new NASA video combines visible, infrared and X-ray views of the famous Crab Nebula, a star that exploded into view in our sky 1,000 years ago.

Rippling ice and storms at Mars’ north pole

This image is part of a wider system of depressions that spiral outward from the very center of Mars' north pole. Seen in context, you can see rippling troughs that curve and bend and slice outwards from the pole counterclockwise.

New Hubble view of gigantic galaxy

The Hubble Telescope released this glorious image of the spiral galaxy UGC 2885 on January 6. This image was made in part as a tribute to dark matter pioneer Vera Rubin.

Astronomers find wandering black holes in dwarf galaxies

They found massive black holes in 13 dwarf galaxies, which are now among the smallest galaxies known to host such massive black holes. In roughly half the galaxies, the black hole isn't at the galactic center, but instead is "wandering."

An impending Milky Way collision is already giving birth to new stars

A newly found young star cluster on the outskirts of our Milky Way seems to be made of material from the Magellanic Clouds. It appears the collision between the Clouds and our Milky Way may already be starting.

These 2 stars in Sagitta will merge and explode by this century’s end

When the 2 stars in the binary star system V Sagittae come together - around the year 2083, astronomers say - they'll create a star explosion called a nova. Then V Sagittae will temporarily outshine all the stars in our Milky Way galaxy.

New view of Milky Way’s center

The SOFIA flying telescope has captured a new panoramic image of the center of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. The image shows a region more than 600 light-years across, revealing unprecedented details within the center's dense swirls of gas and dust.