Arecibo Observatory damaged by broken lashing cable

The new damage to Arecibo, caused by the heavy cable, happened while repairs from 2017's Hurricane Maria were still ongoing.

Surprising number of exoplanets could host life

A new study suggests that distant stars in our Milky Way galaxy might be orbited by as many as 7 Earth-like planets, in the absence of a gas giant planet like Jupiter.

Images show Martian night sky pulsing with ultraviolet light

Vast areas of Mars’ nightside atmosphere glow and pulsate with ultraviolet light, according to images from NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft.

A deep, giant cloud disruption found on Venus

Researchers have discovered a giant atmospheric wave-like phenomenon in Venus' lower atmosphere, unlike anything else seen in the solar system. Evidence shows it has existed since at least 1983, but went completely undetected until now.

A surprising spiral around a planet factory

A new image of the planet-forming disk around the young star RU Lup reveals a beautiful and unexpected massive spiral of gas, reminiscent of a spiral galaxy.

Mars big as the moon on August 27?

We can't believe it. One of the most popular articles at EarthSky this week is the one asking, will Mars be as big as the moon on August 27? Short answer … no. This hoax has been circulating since 2003.

Could ice sheets, not rivers, have formed the channels on Mars?

New research suggests that many of Mars' ancient channels, thought to have been carved by flowing surface water, were formed instead by meltwater beneath glacial ice sheets.

Is there life below the Martian surface?

Galactic cosmic rays are high energy particles from explosive events like supernovae, zinging through our solar system, constantly bombarding both Earth and Mars. A researcher suggests they supply enough energy to make subsurface life on Mars possible.

Can other gases help explain Mars methane mystery?

The European Space Agency's Trace Gas Orbiter has unexpectedly detected carbon dioxide and ozone in Mars' atmosphere where the elusive methane should be, researchers in the UK and Russia have announced. The two gases may be hindering the probe's methane detections.

Successful splashdown for SpaceX Crew Dragon in Gulf of Mexico

The SpaceX Crew Dragon splashdown into the Gulf of Mexico today was the first splashdown in 45 years.