EarthSky 22 appears today (March 30, 2012) through this weekend on Science360, a news service from the National Science Foundation. The National Science Foundation (NSF) Facebook page, the NSF Twitter feed, and also the home page of Science360 Radio will feature EarthSky 22. Check it out!
EarthSky 22 is your 22 minutes of science interviews and news, plus great music from Austin, Texas, broadcast weekly since 2010. Jorge Salazar – recently named as one of the top 100 scientists on Twitter – hosts. Lead producer is Michael Brennan. EarthSky 22 broadcasts on 40 U.S. radio stations and through multiple Internet outlets. These include iTunes and Go directly to the EarthSky 22 page.
Thanks for the great response to EarthSky 22! Tell your friends about the best new science podcast on the Internet, 22 minutes of science and music. It comes direct to you from Austin, Texas, from your pals at EarthSky.
The EarthSky promise: “To bring the ideas, strategies, and research results of scientists to people around the world, with the goal of illuminating pathways to a sustainable future.”