Human World

Meteor ducks artwork inspired by Portugal meteor

Remember the meteor ducks? That is, the ducks that witnessed the fireball over Portugal? Dexerto on X posted the video above in a tweet on May 21, 2024. Now artists are sharing many renderings of the ducks on social media, adding the hashtag #meteorducks.

On May 18, 2024, a fireball lit up the skies of Portugal, including above a farm where some ducks looked up to see the sky brighten overhead. Now artists are capturing their renditions of that scene. See some of the creations below, and search #meteorducks for many, many more!

Meteor ducks artwork

Check out some of the fun artwork below. And if some of the images look truncated, click on them to see the full version with the fireball in the sky.

Even more ducks

Bottom line: The meteor ducks – ducks caught on camera witnessing a fireball fall in Portugal on May 20 – have now been memorialized via art.

May 28, 2024
Human World

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