Human World

Make a pinhole projector for eclipse-watching

Total eclipse of sun: August 21, 2017. Here’s everything you need to know.

It’s never safe to look directly at the sun’s rays – even if the sun is partly obscured. When you’re watching a partial eclipse, you must wear eclipse glasses at all times if you want to face the sun, or use an alternate indirect method. This also applies during a total eclipse up until the time when the sun is completely and totally blocked. During the short time when the moon completely obscures the sun – known as the period of totality – it is safe to look directly at the star, but it’s crucial that you know when to take off and put back on your glasses.

How to watch a solar eclipse safely

Bottom line: Video on how to make a pinhole projector to watch an eclipse easily and safely.

July 7, 2017
Human World

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