The world’s biggest cave passage in Vietnam

Vietnam's Hang Son Doong cave has underground spaces large enough to hold a city block of skyscrapers. Read more about the world's biggest cave passage.

World’s oldest living things in photographs

Rachel Sussman travels the world to photograph the world's oldest living things - organisms that have lived on Earth for over 2,000 years.

Extinct Jamaican bird used club-like wings to batter enemies

Xenicibis xympithecus was a large, flightless, wading bird or ibis. This Extinct Jamaican bird used its wings like a club to bludgeon rivals or predators.

Swollen rivers in Queensland carry sediments to Australian coast

Swollen rivers in Queensland, Australia are carrying heavy sediment loads to the coast. This natural-color image was captured yesterday by instrumentation aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite.

Leaf-cutter ants switch jobs when their tools wear down

A life of cutting apart leaves wears down the leaf-cutter ant's razor sharp mandibles, and that's when they decide to switch jobs. Read about leaf-cutter ants.

Transparent insect wings actually rainbow-colored

Insect wings that look transparent and drab to our eyes apparently look more like peacock feathers to other insects.

Top science trends for 2011 from journal Nature

The science journal Nature predicted top science trends for the coming year. What do you think the top trends will be?

Flooding in Queensland might last weeks

As 2011 opens, flooding in Queensland is forcing people to leave their homes. Police are wading through chest-deep floodwaters in suburbs, telling people to leave.

Measure the sun! Here’s how to do it

You can measure the sun with a ruler, tape measure and a small mirror. Yes, the actual size of the sun! You'll need a little math, but it's a great school project.

New NatGeo video on world poised for 7 billion inhabitants

As 2011 begins, there are an estimated 6,890,843,863 people on Earth (22:48 UTC Jan 01, 2011). We should reach 7 billion this year.