California condors are making a comeback

California condors were all but extinct a few decades ago. Their numbers are up, and they are now at the center of the controversy over lead hunting ammunition.

Algae discovered inside salamander embryos

Ryan Kerney and a team of biologists found green algae living inside salamander embryo cells, the first cellular-level symbiosis ever seen in a vertebrate.

Yellowstone supervolcano underground plume bigger than thought

Researchers used electrical conductivity to measure the plume - or area of molten rock - beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano.

Lichen species: 432 found in one square kilometer

At the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park in Southwestern Florida, a square kilometer area has yielded 432 different lichen species.

Satellite produces detailed view of Earth’s gravitational field

High-precision measurements of Earth's gravitational field by the GOCE satellite produced the most detailed mapping yet of gravity across the Earth's surface.

Earthquake aftershock of 7.4-magnitude strikes Japan, tsunami warning issued

Japan's meteorological agency has issued a tsunami warning for a wave of up to one meter, following a strong earthquake today near the east coast of Honshu.

Sawfish are armed to the teeth

Sawfish are equipped with a powerful weapon, but sadly the long, saw-like snout, or rostrum, can't protect them from habitat loss and fishing nets.

Mireya Mayor, NFL cheerleader turned scientist

A new book by Mireya Mayor recounts how she went from NFL cheerleader a primatologist and a host of WILD and survived a plane crash.

An unusual fossil from the Yunnan Province in China

A new-found fossil reveals the soft body of a 500-million-year-old undersea creature. Hemichordate Galeaplumosus abilus may provide clues to the evolution of vertebrates like us.

Earthquake in Japan was not expected to be 9.0 magnitude

The March 2011 earthquake near Japan - which reached 9 on the Richter scale – was not anticipated for that region of the ocean, geophysicists say.