More ways sun storms can disrupt things

Scientists are learning more about the way storms on the sun can disrupt our communications satellites and ground-based electric grids.

California superbloom from space

Thanks to years of drought followed by above-average rainfall, California is enjoying a fantastic wildflower superbloom in 2017. See before-and-after space images here.

Southern lights over South Pole

Hunter Davis sent these photos from Antarctica this morning of the aurora australis - or southern lights - now appearing over Earth's South Pole.

New ideas on dinosaur evolution

Basic facts that paleontologists thought they'd known for 130 years - about dinosaurs' family trees - might turn out to be wrong.

Rescuing 11 elephants from a mud hole

Asian elephants got stuck in a mud-filled old bomb crater in Cambodia. A collaborative rescue effort saved them all.

Red ring of light over Eastern Europe

The enormous ring of light that appeared in the night sky on April 2 - above a thunderstorm in the Czech Republic - was a rare and fleeting lightning phenomenon.

Use zip code to attract birds to your yard

Audubon website lets you enter your zip code to see a list of the best bird-friendly plants for your yard. Plus a free app to identify the birds you see.

2017 California desert superbloom

After 5 years of exceptional drought, California deserts have exploded with “superblooms” of wildflowers following the wet winter.

Favorite octopus videos

Octopuses (aka octopi or octopodes) are so cool! Here are 5 of our favorite videos featuring those remarkable cephalopods.

So long, last North American ice sheet

The last remnant of a once-enormous ice sheet will be gone in about 300 years, according to a new study. Scientists say warming temperatures are the reason.