Possible new threat to Earth’s ozone layer

Recent increases in an unregulated ozone-depleting substance could delay recovery of Antarctic ozone levels by 5–30 years, say scientists.

California’s Alamo Fire, from space

Large plume of smoke from the Alamo Fire in southern California, blowing over the eastern Pacific on July 9. Areas burning actively at that time appear in red.

Supernumerary rainbow over NYC

Look inside the bright primary bow for colorful fringes, whose number and spacing can change from minute to minute. Alexander Krivenyshev caught this one over New York City on Saturday, July 8.

Sunspot, and chance of weekend storms

Experts say there's a 60% chance this weekend of geomagnetic storms, possibly causing auroras. Plus, over the past couple of days, a lone sunspot has grown rapidly!

Breathtaking night-shining clouds

Wonderful video showing noctilucent - or night-shining - clouds recorded on July 1 and 4. These clouds shine in the darkness, typically on summer nights.

If greenhouse gas emissions ended now…

Would climate change stop? The simple answer is no. A climate scientist explains.

Earthquake rocks Montana early Thursday

The 5.8-magnitude earthquake in western Montana took place just after midnight, local time. It woke people up near the epicenter and was felt throughout the region. Expect aftershocks.

US Southwest wildfires still burning

Across the US Southwest - amid a record-breaking heat wave - fires that started in early June continue to burn.

Global coral bleaching event likely ending

Good news for coral reefs at last! After 3 years, the global coral bleaching event is likely over, scientists say.

Climate change shrinking Colorado River

Ongoing drought - and increasing temperatures - have reduced water flow in the Colorado River, with more dramatic reductions expected. This ongoing, unprecedented event threatens water supplies in cities in the U.S. West and some of the most productive agricultural lands anywhere in the world.