Twin Yellowstone super-eruptions altered global climate

The Yellowstone supervolcano's last eruption wasn't a single event, but 2 closely-spaced eruptions that put the brakes on a natural global-warming trend, says a study.

Smokey sunset skies over Italy

These swirling, intense red sunset skies are due to ongoing wildfires in northern Italy.

Blue jets, red sprites and other flashes

In recent years, the International Space Station has given astronauts the chance to photograph transient luminous events - or TLEs - natural light shows produced at the tops of thunderstorms.

How cold and wet this winter in the US?

La Niña (or not) is the biggest wildcard in how this year’s winter might shape up. Overall, NOAA's outlook suggests a relatively cool, wet U.S. North - and warm, dry U.S. South - this winter.

Alligators eat sharks

Jaws beware! Alligators might be coming for you, according to new research.

Whales and dolphins live ‘human-like’ lives

They work together, talk to each other and use tools. A new study links the complexity of Cetacean culture and behavior to the size of their brains.

The UK had a red sun Monday

Social media was buzzing on Monday with photos and accounts of the red sun over the UK. British weather forecasters said it was dust from the Sahara, raised via Hurricane Ophelia.

Creatures raft across Pacific, thanks to tsunami

Hundreds of species hitched a ride on debris from the 2011 Japanese tsunami for a 4,400-mile journey across the Pacific Ocean.

Northern lights over Alberta, Canada

Enjoy this night sky video timelapse by Jack Fusco featuring frozen lakes, fog inversions, and of course the northern lights!

Tropical volcanoes trigger El Niños, says study

A new study shows how large volcanic eruptions cool tropical Africa, spawning El Niño events.