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John Jardine Goss

Don’t miss! Jupiter and Mars conjunction tomorrow

The Jupiter and Mars conjunction in the sky is tomorrow morning! After easing closer to each other all month, they'll be closest on August 14. Look east!

July full moon is the Buck Moon on July 20-21

The July full moon – the Buck Moon – falls overnight on July 20, reaching its fullest at 10:17 UTC (that's 5:17 a.m. CDT) the morning of July 21.

June’s full moon is the Strawberry Moon

The June full moon - the Strawberry Moon - occurs on the overnight of June 21-22, 2024. Watch its path across the sky. You'll see it mimics the December sun.

May’s full moon is called the Flower Moon

The May full moon occurs in the morning of May 23, but looks full on the previous evening and as it rises on May 23. Learn more about the Flower Moon.

April full moon – the Pink Moon – falls on April 23

The April 2024 full moon – on April 23 – is the Pink Moon and lies near the star Spica in the constellation Virgo. Find star charts here.

March full moon is the Worm Moon

The March full moon on March 24-25, 2024, is near the bright star Spica in the constellation Virgp. There's also a penumbral lunar eclipse!

Best sky scenes of 2024: What not to miss!

Check out the best sky scenes of 2024! A total solar eclipse crosses North America, planets have close pairings, a comet may shine bright and more!

Best of 2023: Night sky events not to miss

Best of 2023: Find the most magnificent night sky scenes that you won't want to miss, chosen for you by the editors of EarthSky. Planets, eclipses and more!

Castor and Pollux sink to the horizon in spring

Castor and Pollux, the brightest stars in Gemini the Twins, sink toward the horizon on spring evenings, disappearing from summer's night sky.

Venus and Jupiter conjunction: Look now

During the Venus and Jupiter conjunction, the two planets will appear only 1/2 degree or less apart just before sunrise. You can also spot Mars and Saturn.