Astronomy Essentials

Some will see a partial lunar eclipse tonight

A full moon, with a small, dark bite taken out of one side.
A partial lunar eclipse, not unlike the one you may see on October 28-29, 2023. This one, from April 25, 2013, is from our friend Jean-Marie André Delaporte in Normandy, France. Thank you, Jean-Marie!

People in Europe, Africa, most of Asia and western Australia will see a shallow partial lunar eclipse overnight on October 28-29, 2023. The very bright object near the eclipsed moon will be Jupiter, now nearly at its closest for 2023.

Livestreams for October 28-29 partial eclipse

The whole half of Earth facing the full moon – that is, the whole half of Earth that’s in nighttime – will see the lunar eclipse. North America will not see it. Of course, lunar eclipses are safe to view with the unaided eye. Binoculars and telescopes aren’t required to view a lunar eclipse, but they do enhance the view., based in Stavanger, Norway, will host an eclipse livestream

Virtual Telescope Project, based in Rome, Italy, will host an eclipse livestream

At this eclipse, only a small fraction of the moon will enter Earth’s dark umbral shadow. For the most part, the October 28-29, 2023, lunar eclipse will appear as a penumbral eclipse of the moon. In other words, as the eclipse progresses, you should notice a dark shading on the moon (Earth’s penumbral shadow), followed by the barest of dark bites (Earth’s dark umbral shadow) taken from one edge of the moon.

And don’t forget Jupiter! It’s the very bright object near the moon on October 28.

Jupiter closest to Earth for 2023 on November 1-2
The 2024 lunar calendars are here! Best Christmas gifts in the universe! Check ’em out here.

Map with large black area over Europe, Africa, Asia and the west part of Australia.
View full map. | Map showing the areas of visibility for the October 28-29, 2023, partial lunar eclipse. On the wrong side of Earth? Looking for an eclipse livestream? See Lins above. Image via Dominic Ford from Used with permission.

Lunar eclipse details

Penumbral eclipse begins at 18:01 UTC (2:01 p.m. EDT) on October 28. Earth’s lighter penumbral shadow will begin crossing the moon’s face. You probably won’t notice it at first. But, as the eclipse progresses, you should see a subtle shading on the moon.
Partial eclipse begins at 19:34 UTC (3:34 p.m. EDT) on October 28. Now it’ll appear as if a tiny, but dark, bite is taken from one edge of the moon.
Greatest eclipse at 20:14 UTC (4:14 p.m. EDT) on October 28. Only a small portion of the moon – about 6% – will be eclipsed by Earth’s dark shadow.
Partial eclipse ends at 20:52 UTC on October 28 (4:52 p.m. EDT).
Penumbral eclipse ends at 22:26 UTC on October 28 (6:26 p.m. EDT).
Note: A bright “star” will appear near the eclipsed moon. It’s really a planet, the biggest one in our solar system and the 2nd-brightest planet visible from Earth, Jupiter.

Visit to get an exact timing of the eclipse from your location.

How long will it last?

From start to finish, the eclipse will last 285 minutes. And the moon will be in Earth’s dark shadow – for the partial eclipse – for only 78 minutes.

Read more: Why no eclipse at every full and new moon?

Diagram of the sun on left, Earth in the middle casting shadow, moon in shadow on right.
During a lunar eclipse, Earth’s shadow falls on the moon. So if the moon passes through the dark central shadow of Earth – the umbra – a partial or total lunar eclipse takes place. But if the moon only passes through the outer part of the shadow (the penumbra), a subtle penumbral eclipse occurs. Diagram via Fred Espenak’s Lunar Eclipses for Beginners. Used with permission.

Who can see lunar eclipses?

A full moon is up only at night. And a total lunar eclipse is visible from all parts of Earth that are experiencing night while the eclipse is taking place. But some will see the eclipse more clearly, or more thoroughly, than others, depending on location. For example, some will see it at moonrise or moonset, when the moon is low in the sky.

The constellation behind the partial lunar eclipse

The October 28, 2023, partial lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is in the constellation of Aries the Ram.

Find the moon’s path with respect to Earth’s umbral and penumbral shadows below.

Diagram of moon passing through the shadow of Earth and map showing eclipse visibility.
View detailed chart. | A map for the partial lunar eclipse on October 28, 2023. It sweeps across Europe, Africa, most of Asia and western Australia. Areas in white on the map will see all of the partial eclipse. The line down the middle notes where the greatest eclipse occurs. Shaded areas will see part of the eclipse and dark areas are where the eclipse is not visible. Note the difference between UTC and TD (terrestrial dynamical time, often abbreviated TT as well). Key to lunar eclipse maps here. Image via Fred Espenak/ EclipseWise/. Used with permission.

Maps and data for the partial lunar eclipse

Visual Appearance of Lunar Eclipses

Danjon Scale of Lunar Eclipse Brightness

October 28, 2023, eclipse map and animation

More resources

Visit to get an exact timing of the eclipse from your location.

Submit your lunar eclipse photo to EarthSky here.

EarthSky’s monthly night sky guide: Visible planets and more

Total lunar eclipse: Brightly colored covers of three large-format books.
Thank you, Fred Espenak, for providing some information for this article. For the best in eclipse info – from a world’s expert – visit Fred’s publications page.

Bottom line: A shallow partial lunar eclipse takes place on October 28, 2023, visible in Europe, Africa, most of Asia and western Australia. Jupiter is the bright object nearby. Maps and details here.

October 28, 2023
Astronomy Essentials

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