The asteroid belt contains solar system remnants

The asteroid belt is a region of our solar system - between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter - where many small bodies orbit our sun.

Magnetar slowed down by a volcano-like eruption?

Astronomers say they think they know why a rapidly spinning magnetar slowed down suddenly in 2020. They say a powerful volcano-like eruption is to blame.

AI search for aliens yields 8 potential signals

An international team of scientists says that a sophisticated new AI search for aliens has already found 8 potential 'signals of interest' from 5 nearby stars.

Dinner on Mars will transform food on Earth

The technologies needed to plan for dinner on Mars will also help us transform how things are done here on Earth, where 1/3 of all food is thrown away.

Webb discovers ices in a dark molecular cloud

NASA's Webb discovers ices: The new space telescope has found a wide variety of frozen molecules in a dark molecular cloud 360 light-years away.

Webb observes Chariklo’s rings during occultation

NASA's Webb telescope took its 1st look at tiny asteroid Chariklo's rings, showing they contain water ice. Webb used a stellar occultation to observe the rings.

See the mysterious spiral over Hawaii observatory

Astronomers using the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, captured a mysterious spiral in the night sky. Watch the video here.

Watch exoplanets orbit their star in new video

You can watch 4 exoplanets orbit their home star in this new video from Jason Wang of Northwestern University. See the video here.

New Milky Way survey reveals billions of objects

Astronomers at NOIRLab, using the Dark Energy Camera in Chile, have released a new Milky Way survey showing billions of objects in the galactic plane.

Rubble pile asteroids are hard to destroy

Scientists discovered that rubble pile asteroids have been around since the beginning of the solar system and are very hard to destroy. Read more.