Record-breaking X-ray flare from Milky Way’s supermassive black hole

A flare from our galaxy's core 400 times brighter than usual, in September, 2013. Over a year later, a second large flare. Now scientists are trying to explain why.

Astronomers find 8 new planets in Goldilocks zone

Two of the newly-discovered planets are the most similar to Earth of any known exoplanets to date.

Awesome new project Sounds of the Night

Project Nightflight in Austria has a new web platform, presenting not just astrophotos, but also the sounds they heard while capturing them. It's wonderful.

When is the next meteor shower?

No major meteor showers are predicted until the Lyrid shower, peaking on the morning of April 23, 2015. Between now and then ... fireball season!

New sharpest-ever view of Andromeda galaxy

The image has a staggering 1.5 billion pixels, so you'd need 600 HD television screens to display it. A piece of the image, and links to a zoomable version, here.

Mind-boggling Fermi Bubbles probed via quasar light

Among other discoveries, a team of astronomers found that the core of our Milky Way galaxy drives a wind at 2 million miles per hour.

With one minute remaining, SpaceX aborts today’s launch of Falcon 9

The soonest Space X can try again to launch Falcon 9 and the Dragon spacecraft - on a mission to resupply the International Space Station - is Friday.

Wow! Stunning new Pillars of Creation

One of the most beloved Hubble Space Telescope images is called the Pillars of Creation, first captured in 1995. Check out this new Hubble image of the pillars!

Slow spin of older stars key in the search for life

This is "gyrochronology," from Greek words gyros (rotation), chronos (time). It can help identify distant planets old enough for complex life to have evolved.

How to make an Earth

New evidence suggests that the basic ingredients for our Earth would likely go into making distant rocky exoplanets, orbiting other stars, as well.