Watch unusual comet sail past sun

Then stay tuned. This comet - named C/2015 D1 (SOHO) - might become visible in your evening sky. Maybe.

Chinese rocket breaks up in northern lights

Lucky observers in western North America saw bright lights streaking in the sky Monday night - the disintegration of a Chinese rocket body. Photo and videos here!

Does dark matter cause mass extinctions?

As we journey around the galaxy, our solar system might regularly interact with dark matter, which might dislodge Oort cloud comets and boost heat in Earth's core.

Roaming star system a near miss!

Scholz's star passed only 0.8 light-years from our sun, only 70,000 years ago. It came closer than any other known star, sweeping through the Oort comet cloud.

Mystery plumes on Mars puzzle scientists

Amateur astronomers spotted them first, but they show up in Hubble images, too. Astronomers are scratching their heads, wondering these mystery plumes are.

Russian supply ship launched to ISS today

It's a fast-rendezvous, six-hour launch-to-dock mission to the International Space Station. Docking will occur later today. Online viewing details here.

When space expanded faster-than-light

New maps from Planck mission support theory of cosmic inflation, the idea that, in the moments following Big Bang, space expanded faster than the speed of light. George Efstathiou - a Planck mission leader - explains more to Kavli Institute's Kelen Tuttle.

100 to compete for one-way Mars trip

The private venture Mars One has announced its selection of 50 men and 50 women who will compete via reality TV for a one-way Mars trip, as early as 2024.

Unexpected storm at a galaxy’s core

At the core of a galaxy called the Teacup, jets from a central supermassive black hole may be gradually destroying the galaxy's ability to form new stars.

Mysterious dark matter in inner Milky Way

It's a tough measurement, but astronomers in Stockholm say they've proven dark matter exists in our part of the galaxy.