Human World

Explore the universe from home

Featureless pale blue globe with network of glowing lines connecting scattered white circles.
Image via NASA.

Explore our enormous universe from your little spot at home. Here’s a list of online activities, e-books, podcasts and other content from NASA.

Play games or get homework help with STEM activities
Launch rockets, build a moon habitat, solve space-y puzzles, and more. Science, technology, engineering, and math activities for kids and adults.

Solve challenges and become a citizen scientist
Open Opportunities for participation are posted here, in areas including aeronautics, astronomy, Earth science, living in space, multimedia production, and more.

Listen to NASA podcasts
Lots to choose from.

Read e-books
Free downloads. Some popular choices: Earth at Night, Galaxies Through Space and Time, The Saturn System Through the Eyes of Cassini.

Work on your application to be an astronaut
Do you have what it takes to be an astronaut? NASA is accepting applications through March 31.

Spot the International Space Station in your night sky
How to watch the International Space Station (ISS) pass overhead from wherever you are in the world. It’s the third brightest object in the sky and easy to spot if you know when to look up.

Bottom line: Activities you can do from home to explore the universe, via NASA.

March 19, 2020
Human World

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