EarthSky Community Photos

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Stephen Bloodsworth
Silver Spring, Maryland USA
08:06 am

Equipment Details:

Panasonic Lumix G85 M4/3 System
12-60 Lumix Telephoto captured @ 12mm
ISO100 F/6.3. 1/250s

Post-processing Details:

Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw
Adobe Landscape Color Profile
Camera Raw AI Denoise
Minor Levels Adjustment

Image Details:

Morning Comes

Early morning clouds and color appear in this capture as the sun is making its way into the sky.

Sunrise color facts: Rayleigh scattering (a type of light scattering) is the main cause of colors in the sunrise. Rayleigh scattering is but one of several types of light scattering. It is named after Lord John Rayleigh who first described it in the 1870s.