EarthSky Community Photos

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Andy Dungan
Cotopaxi, CO USA
03:45 am

Equipment Details:

Canon R full spectrum, Sigma 150-600 @ 600mm, 75sec f6.3 iso12800, 44 light frames plus dark and flat frames
Star Adventurer 2i for tracking

Post-processing Details:

Sequator used to stack, Starnet2 used to separate stars from deep space object (dso), Affinity Photo 2 used for processing

When the stars are separated from the dso it is much easier to process the colors for the dso.

And, for those of you to young to know what Pacman is go google one of the very early video games.

Image Details:

I was looking up at the sky and said well there is Cassiopeia popping up over the mountain to the east, I wonder if there is anything to photograph in Cassiopeia. I pulled out the phone and opened up Stellarium and much to my surprise found the Pacman Nebula. It's pretty small but much to my delight I found it pretty easily. The pic is the full frame shot from my 35mm modified Canon R (I always hate to crop the pics, not sure why). And, by accident I had the camera at the right angle so that it looks just like Pacman. What fun!