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Dobson skywatcher 18" - 285x - smartphone A5 - ISO800 - 1/11s
Coma Berenices and Leo constellations in colours
Here in one glance the colors of all the stars up to magnitude +6 that draw these two constellations.
A total of 120 stars, a number 3 times greater than those up to magnitude +5, deliberately taken out of focus to better capture their nuances, here scaled according to their apparent magnitude.
They are all single shots - except the pair 24 of the Chioma di Berenice - and all within the sixth magnitude, except 19 Leonis and the very red R Leonis.
With such high numbers, I enjoyed placing a greater number of stars in order of spectral class for each constellation. And I find the result really interesting, considering that these colors are those visible and taken through the telescope and not simple digital reconstructions.
Under a really dark sky these stars are all potentially visible to the naked eye. Who knows then what the myths would have told in the light of their nuances. I try to imagine it here: