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Telescope: TS 94 EDPH APO Refractor
Mount: Vixen Sphinx SXD2
Camera: Explore Scientific 16MP Colour Camera
Filters used: Optolong L-Extreme / Optolong L-Pro
Location: Dublin, Ireland
All frames were first stacked and processed in Astro Pixel Processor and the stars were then removed using Starnet ++. Vibrance and noise reduction and RGB star layer blending was then carried out in PS to create the final image.
Barnard 33 Horsehead & Flame Nebula.
This image was captured over several nights of the Horsehead and Flame nebula, located approx 13700 light years from earth and is defined by its unique dark cloud structure silhouetted in the shape of a horses head against the dense red hydrogen background.
This image was taken from my garden in Dublin, Ireland over several nights starting from November 5th and finishing on the 19th of November. The first few sessions were in photographed narrowband using the L-extreme filter (7.5hrs in total) and the last 3 hrs were photographed in Broadband using the L-Pro filter to blend the stars in true colour with a combined imaging time of 10.5hrs.