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ES 102 CF Triplet
Stellarvue x0.8 reducer & Field flattener
AVX Mount
Canon D40 (astro modification)
Astronomik CLS filter
Astronomik OIII 6nm filter
7 hours of collected dats during November 2020
Stacked in DSS Edited & Cropped in PixInsight
Re-processed with stellar and background enhancement in PixInsight on November 13, 2022
The Pleiades; M 45 (Merope Nebula); is one of the most popular star clusters among various cultures around the world. Each nation has a story to tell about it. In the Middle East it's known as the Seven sisters marking the naked eye visible main stars of the cluster that formed the shape of a tomb. The story goes that a good father of seven daughters who passed away and the tomb was carried by the daughters to his final burial.