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Kannan A
12:40 pm

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Nikon Coolpix P900

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A single Cotton stainer bug(Dysdercus decussatus) resting on the wall. I took some pictures of it before letting it fly off. This colourful bug feed on the seeds of the Sea Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Both adults and nymphs are often found in groups under the leaves or among the flowers of this plant. Its body is about 1cm long. The adult has a red or black head with distinctive yellow cross on black wing cases with red bodies and black legs. If found in large numbers, they rest under Sea hibiscus leaves.
The bugs tend to form groups, which help them find mates. Ts. They moult 5 times (instars) before reaching the mature stage whereupon they get their wings and characteristic cross-markings. They got their name because many Dysdercus species transfer microorganisms that stain the cotton bolls that they prefer to feed on. Bugs that feed on cotton grow larger and faster. Feeding on the cotton bolls not only stains them an indelible yellow as plant sap seeps out of the puncture wound, and microorganisms and fungus grows at the site. The feeding habit also damages the fibres by cutting them, and affects the growth of the cotton boll. Some species also damage other agricultural crops such as peaches.