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Kannan A
06:00 am

Equipment Details:

Huawei P30 Pro Smartphone

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Using the phone's inbuilt features, I had marked as accurately as possible the constellation pattern and labelled them accordingly.

Image Details:

The constellation of Scorpius and Sagittarius, despite the light pollution in a city like Singapore are still visible to the naked eyes and I was trying link the bright stars and distinctive patterns this morning. In this picture, Scorpius is obscured by the trees in the foreground exposing only the deadly stinger star, "Shaula".

Sagittarius may look like a teapot, but he is in fact an archer - and a four-legged one to boot : a centaur, to be specific - half horse, half man. The front of the teapot is the bow he pulls back, the spout is the tip of his arrow he aims westward at Scorpius. The remainder of the teapot are stars marking the centaur's upper body and pulled-back arm; fainter stars southeastward sketch out his lower horsey half.

Below Sagittarius is the small faint star group of Corona Australis, the southern crown - above him and the scorpion is the large constellation of Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer, a medical doctor honored today in the medical symbol of snake and staff.

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