
Houses burning in Grindavík as Iceland volcano erupts

Iceland volcano: In a dark scene, orange smoke boils upward from a line of spouting lava glowing white-hot.
An Iceland Civil Protection Coast Guard helicopter captured this dramatic image of lava and gas pouring out from a fissure after an Iceland volcano erupted early Sunday, January 24, 2024. See dramatic video of a lava flow that has entered the town of Grindavík in Iceland, destroying homes, below. Image via Iceland Civil Protection.

Iceland volcano forces evacuation

Residents are evacuating from the fishing town of Grindavík in southwest Iceland after lava from a volcanic eruption on Sunday morning entered the town, destroying homes. It is the second time in a month that this volcano has erupted on the Reykjanes Peninsula, in the most populated part of Iceland.

Two fissures formed near Grindavík on Sunday, following a series of intense earthquakes that began around 3 a.m. local time Sunday. The Iceland Meteorological Organization reported more than 200 small earthquakes (the strongest was at magnitude 3.5). At 8 a.m. local time, a crack opened in the ground about 450 meters (about 500 yards) from the town. The Guardian reported:

Protective barriers of earth and rock pushed lava from the first fissure away from the town. But a second crack then opened around midday on the edge of town, with that lava engulfing the homes.

Jets of glowing orange lava flowed out and a huge smoke cloud rose against the dark sky.

Scientists in Iceland are warning that new vents could open and release more toxic gas.

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Evacuation of Grindavík

Iceland Civil Protection assessed the town of Grindavík on Saturday, concluding that a temporary evacuation was necessary. The National Commissioner of Police then ordered the evacuation. The Civil Protection website declared on Saturday:

There are many cracks along the roads and streets that you have to drive through between parts of the town … The conditions that have arisen in Grindavík are unprecedented in a settlement in Iceland …

Based on the result of the public safety department’s risk assessment, the Office of the Inspector General of Police has decided to use authorization … for the evacuation of residents from Grindavík and banning all stay and activities there …

It can be assumed that the instructions will be valid for the next three weeks. It will only be permitted, with the special permission of the police chief of Suðurnesj in consultation with the public safety department of the national police chief, to be in Grindavík for law enforcement, rescue operations, investigations, making a risk assessment or for a short time when salvaging valuables.

The ban is to take effect from on Monday, January 15, and many have already left Grindavík.

Livestream from Iceland volcano

Video and more from X

Bottom line: The fishing town of Grindavík in southwest Iceland is being evacuated after lava from an Iceland volcano sent lava into the town on Sunday morning, January 14, 2024, destroying homes.

January 14, 2024

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