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Kelly Kizer Whitt

Kaboom! SpaceX rocket booster grounded after explosion

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket booster exploded on a droneship in the Atlantic. Following the incident, the Federal Aviation Administration grounded the Falcon 9.

Telescopium the Telescope is below the Teapot

Telescopium the Telescope is a constellation that appears best in southern skies, south of the Teapot. Look for it in dark skies.

See 6 planets in late August and early September

Do you want to see 6 planets at once? Wake up before sunrise and start hunting! Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be easy. Learn how to find the others here.

Sagitta the Arrow lies inside the Summer Triangle

Sagitta the Arrow is a dim constellation that lies inside the Summer Triangle. It contains one Messier object, a small globular cluster.

Delphinus the Dolphin has a graceful kite shape

Delphinus the Dolphin is a petite constellation that looks like the animal it's supposed to represent. Look for the dolphin leaping under the Summer Triangle.

Serpens the Snake, the only constellation cut in 2

Serpens the Snake is the only constellation cut in 2. It consists of Serpens Cauda and Serpens Caput, the tail and the head.

JUICE mission to Jupiter to sweep past moon and Earth this week

The JUICE mission will perform the world's 1st-ever double gravity assist - a flyby of the moon and Earth - on August 19 and 20, 2024.

Don’t miss! Jupiter and Mars conjunction tomorrow

The Jupiter and Mars conjunction in the sky is tomorrow morning! After easing closer to each other all month, they'll be closest on August 14. Look east!

Cities worldwide now building up instead of out

A new study shows that cities around the globe have largely transitioned from growing outward to growing upward. See charts and more here.

Aquila the Eagle soars along the Milky Way

Aquila the Eagle is home to the bright star Altair, which forms one corner in the Summer Triangle. Look for it in the evening sky from July to November.