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Deborah Byrd

Last night’s moon blotted out Saturn. Pics here!

The moon blotted out Saturn last night, in an event called an "occultation" by astronomers. See photos here from the EarthSky community.

Why are stars so bright on winter nights?

In December, January and February, we look away from the Milky Way's cloudy core toward the Orion spiral arm, with stars so bright they capture our attention.

Orange Aldebaran is Taurus the Bull’s fiery eye

Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus the Bull, is at one tip of a V-shaped cluster. If placed where our sun is, its surface would pass the orbit of Mercury.

Mysterious 3200 Phaethon: Parent to the Geminids

3200 Phaethon is the weird comet-like asteroid that spawns the Geminid meteor shower. New research reveals more answers ... and questions.

Artemis 2 and 3 moon missions delayed, NASA says

On December 5, 2024, NASA announced a further delay to the Artemis 2 and 3 missions. Artemis 2 is now scheduled for no earlier than April 2026. More here.

MOND and more. Does the universe need a rethink?

MOND theory: There's increasing evidence that astronomical theories don’t match observations. Is it time to rethink our story of how our universe came to be?

A runaway star moves fast in an unusual direction

Stars in our Milky Way galaxy move in a more or less orderly way. But a star that moves differently from the general stream of stars is known as a runaway star.

How to see Earth’s shadow at sunrise and sunset

Just before sunrise and after sunset, you can spot Earth's shadow. Look west at sunrise and east at sunset. Learn more about Earth's shadow here.

Is there a North Star for Mars?

Is there a North Star for Mars ... a guide star for future explorers? Not in any satisfying way. But Martian stargazers wouldn't lack for things to see!

1st intentional signal to space sent by Arecibo 50 years ago

Iconic Arecibo telescope is no longer operational. But its legacy lives on. And in 1974, Arecibo sent earthlings' 1st intentional signal to space.