Hubble spots galaxy’s dramatic details

Hubble image of spiral galaxy NGC 5468.

Sunrise at the moon’s Bhabha crater

A day on the moon lasts about an earthly month, so dawn comes to each part of the moon only that often. In this view from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, you can see a crater's central peak illuminated by sunlight, while the crater floor remains dark.

What to look for on a 1st quarter moon

For those of you with telescopes, or telescopic lenses, here's something to watch for on a moon just past 1st quarter.

Orion, the Bull, the Pleiades and a meteor

A long bright meteor, too, and on the night of the elusive Unicorn meteor shower ... but not a Unicorn meteor.

Photos: This week’s moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn

What a week it's been for planets! Jupiter and Venus - the 2 brightest planets - were in conjunction last Sunday. Then the moon swept through the evening sky, passing Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Thanks to all in the EarthSky Community who contributed photos! A sampling here ... Links to more in this post.

Composite image of SpaceX Starlink satellite swarm

SpaceX's Starlink satellite project will eventually place an initial 12,000 satellites in low-Earth orbit to provide worldwide internet access. This image is from the second batch of satellites launched November 11.

Aurora over Esjan

November aurora over Iceland.

Colorado moon

Photographer Matt Burt captured the full Beaver Moon over Gunnison, Colorado, on November 11, 2019.

Moon halo over Pikes Peak

This ring around the moon is called a 22-degree halo by skywatchers. The mountain below is Pikes Peak, in Colorado, the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rockies.

See it! Monday’s transit of Mercury

Click here for awesome photos from members of the EarthSky community of the November 11, 2019, transit of Mercury. It'll be the last Mercury transit until 2032. A huge thank you to all who submitted to EarthSky Community Photos!