Black holes don’t erase information

Since 1975, when Hawking showed that black holes evaporate from our universe, physicists have tried to explain what happens to a black hole's information.

Hubble spies enigmatic quasar ghosts

Astronomers use the Hubble Space Telescope to examine 8 ethereal wisps orbiting distant galaxies, illuminated by blasts of radiation from quasars.

Astronomers witness a massive star’s birth

Two images of a very massive star, made 18 years apart, have given astronomers a real-glimpse of how massive stars develop early in their evolution.

Public invited to NASA flying saucer broadcast today

NASA's rocket-powered, saucer-shaped test vehicle soon will fly into near-space. Join an hour-long live, interactive video broadcast on March 31.

Passing comets painted Mercury black

Scientists say comet dust is the invisible paint causing the surface of the innermost planet Mercury to be only barely reflective.

See it! This weekend’s moon and Jupiter

Thank you to all in the EarthSky community who posted photos of the moon and Jupiter on March 29, 2015!

Black hole winds stop star formation

It's the first time astronomers have seen a supermassive black hole in action, blowing away its galaxy’s reservoir of star-making gas.

Nova Sagittarii observation, March 29

The brightness of this unusual nova has gone up and down and now back up again. EarthSky friend Tom Wildoner tells you how to see the nova before it's gone!

India’s Mars probe has fuel for extended mission

India's Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) was expected to end on March 24. But it turns out that the probe could have another 6 months of life left in it.

Curiosity rover detects nitrogen on Mars

The discovery adds to the evidence that ancient Mars was habitable for life.