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Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 106EDX
Camera: QHY 600M Pro
Mount: Paramount MX+
Filters: Astrodon 2Gen
Processed in Pixinsight and Adobe Photoshop
Between darkness and light there is only a thin red line some say.....but they apparently have never seen Barnard's loop! đŸ˜‰
LDN 1622 aka the Boogieman Nebula (see on the left side of this image), is a dark molecular cloud that is just under 10 light-years across in size. The Boogieman Nebula is surrounded by the intense hydrogen gas of Barnard’s Loop. Close by and on the other side of Barnard's loop, is another fascinating deep-sky object the reflection nebula Messier 78 (M78), where new stars are being being born. Open star cluster NGC2112 appears as well at the very bottom of the image.