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Tameem Altameemi
Ras Al Khaimah Mountains, UAE
01:00 am

Equipment Details:

Main Scope:
Skywatcher Evostar 72ED Apo Refractor F.L 420mm
Guiding Scope: Svbony Mini Guider Scope 30mm/120mm F4

Mount : Skywatcher AZEQ-5 Pro Synscan Goto
Main camera: ZWO ASI294MC -Pro cooled camera
Guide camera: ZWO ASI120mm
ZWO EAF focuser: 5V EAF

Imaging Software: AsiAir

AsiAir Plus
L-enhancs Filter

Post-processing Details:

Stacking Programs:

Photoshop to add watermark

Full Image Details:
Camera temp: 0°C
Gain: 120
Light: 225 x 120sec
Darks: 50
Bais: 100
Flats: 50
Total: 7 hours 30 Minutes
2 Days of Data.

Taken From Bortle 4/5
Humidity: 60%
Outside temperature: 21°C to 17°C

Image Details:

The Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443, Sharpless 248) is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Gemini. It lies at an approximate distance of 5,000 light years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 12. The nebula can be found between the stars Mu and Eta Geminorum, at the foot of one of the celestial Twins

Shot over the 2 nights from 12/01/2024, 13/01/2024, total of 225 images (7 Hours 30 minutes), from the mountains of RAS Al Khaimah in UAE.