EarthSky Community Photos

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Mandy Daniels
Derbyshire, UK
06:23 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon D800, 50 mm Prime Lens

f/4, 4s, ISO-3200

Post-processing Details:

GIMP: Crop, adjust curves to remove background sky glow, apply 1.50 Gaussian blur to enlarge stars

Image Details:

The Peiades Cluster (lower left), Jupiter (upper right) with passing Starlink satellite and the faint trail of a passing aircraft. The Moon is off-frame to the upper right and caused significant skyglow with the long exposure which necessitated cropping of the image. The background has been darkened and the stars enlarged via a Gaussian blur to show many more of them. The original image was acquired from a heavily light-polluted area, just above streetlights