EarthSky Community Photos

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Catherine Hyde
Cambria, CA USA
06:20 pm

Equipment Details:

Willams Optics Redcat 51, Nikon D810A DSLRT camera, Astro-Physics Mach2 GTO tracking mount.

Post-processing Details:

Processed stars and nebulosity separately in both PixInsight and Photoshop.

Image Details:

This is essentially first light on my new Redcat 51 scope, the smallest scope I've ever had. The short focal length allowed me to frame the belt and sword of Orion in one image. Included are the Flame and Horsehead Nebulae, and the iconic Orion Nebula with the Running Man above it. This is 138 3-minute images stacked together, or just under 7 hours of total exposure. The time I listed was just the start time.