EarthSky Community Photos

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10:00 pm

Equipment Details:

Askar FRA 600
Canon EOS R
Antlia ALP-T Dual band 5nm 2" Filter
ZWO ASI120MM Guide Camera

Post-processing Details:

Antlia ALP-T Dual band 5nm 2" Filter
5x600s exposures = 50 min (ISO 1600)

Broad Band
28x180s exposures = 1hrs 24min (ISO 800)

Post Processing:
- The broadband and dual narrowband exposures were stacked seperatly in Astro Pixel Processor and processed seperately in Pixinsight
- The Ha data was extracted from the Dual Narrowband Image, and added to the broadband image to bring out the internal nebulosity in the galaxy.
- Final retouching in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Image Details:

The Andromeda Galaxy, our next door neighbor is a master piece in our sky. This is my third attempt imaging the galaxy, but each previous attempt came shorter than I imagined. After reducing the size of my bank account and continues learning, I finally have an image of Andromeda worthy for sharing.

A major upgrade to my setup and workflow was extracting Hydrogen-alpha data from images taken with an Ha+Oiii dual narrowband filter, and blending it with the broadband exposures without a filter. The result is the ability to bring out the regions of Ha inside the galaxy. Those little pink gems you see are nebulas in the Andromeda galaxy itself 🤯. I like to imagine the inhabitants of Andromeda having the same hobby as mine imaging their own set of nebulas and depleting their bank accounts too 😅