EarthSky Community Photos

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Shireen Gonzaga
Cockeysville, MD, USA

Equipment Details:

Nikon Z6II, Nikkor 400mm lens, tracking by Star Adventurer GTI, controlled by ASIAir Mini, Guiding by ZWO 120mm guide scope and ASI120mm camera. Ninety 2-minute exposures stacked, 20 biases, flats, and darks. Imaged in Cockeysville, MD under Bortle 7 skies.

Post-processing Details:

Processed by GIMP and Siril.

Image Details:

Messier 33, also known as the Triangulum Galaxy because it is located in the northern constellation Triangulum, is a slightly disorganized spiral galaxy about 2.73 million light years away from us. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, belongs to a neighborhood of galaxies known as the Local Group; the Andromeda Galaxy is the largest in the group, our galaxy is second-largest, and Messier 33 ranks third.