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Stephen Bloodsworth
Silver Spring, Maryland USA
06:56 pm

Equipment Details:

Panasonic Lumix G85
45-200 Telephoto lens focused at 45mm
ISO 800

Post-processing Details:

Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw
Adobe Landscape color profile
Camera Raw Enhance AI algorithm (50%) to smooth graininess

Image Details:

Setting waxing crescent moon @ 13.5% illumination. When the Moon crossed the local meridian on this day it was 233,501 miles from the Earth's center.

Silver Spring is close to three international airports. There were many aircraft in the sky this night and it was hard to get a shot without an aircraft in the frame. This frame captured several, two of which were creating persistent non-spreading contrails that appear in the photo as being almost comet-like. One of those happy accidents. What appear to be cirrostratus clouds are glowing in front of the Moon creating a faint red halo.