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Meiying Lee
Hsinchu, Taiwan
09:30 pm

Equipment Details:

ZWO Seestar S50

Post-processing Details:

Combine three photos together using PowerPoint.
The left image in the composite shows the original capture. The upper right image is a cropped and enlarged version, while the lower right image is a historical photo of M31 provided by Wikipedia for reference.

Image Details:

Nova in the Andromeda Galaxy, M31
On the night of October 12th, I captured images of the Andromeda Galaxy, M31, using a new small telescope, the Seestar S50, from a mountain in Hsinchu. M31 is the nearest galaxy to us and is known for its stunning beauty.
I learned that the Chinese PSP team discovered a nova in the M31 galaxy on the night of October 11th, numbered AT 2023uri. I promptly checked my photos, and I'm delighted to report that I managed to capture its presence just one day after its discovery. On the night of October 12th, this nova, AT 2023uri, reached its peak brightness (estimated around magnitude 16.5). However, it was positioned very close to the bright center of M31, making it incredibly fortunate to be able to record it using a small telescope.
The left image in the composite shows the original capture. The upper right image is a cropped and enlarged version, while the lower right image is a historical photo of M31 provided by Wikipedia for reference. It serves to confirm the nova AT 2023uri's position and validate its eruption.