EarthSky Community Photos

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Paul Bacon
Winnemucca, NV, USA
09:22 am

Equipment Details:

Canon 60D, 50mm (80mm effective) lens, Sky-Watcher Adventurer mount on tripod. ISO 200, f/9.0, 1/800 sec. exposure. No solar filter was used because of cloud cover.

Post-processing Details:

Minimal post-processing/cropping in Lightroom.

Image Details:

Members of the Nevada County Astronomers Club converged in Winnemucca, NV to view the annular solar eclipse. The morning of the eclipse started out mostly cloudy and we missed much of the beginning partiality. A little before total annularity the clouds started to thin out giving us wonderful naturally filtered views which my camera handled quite well. On occasion the clouds would become so thin or completely clear that I would have to put on my solar filter.
We all decided the cloud filtered images were much more dramatic. We had a great time and deemed the eclipse a “total” success!