EarthSky Community Photos

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Steven Bellavia
Orient Point and Livingston Manor, NY
12:01 am

Equipment Details:

William Optics FLT-91 refractor
Starizona Apex reducer-corrector
ZWO ASI 294MM Pro camera
SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro equatorial mount
APT acquisition software
PHD2 guiding software

Post-processing Details:

Two nights of data, from two different locations
38 x 300 second H-alpha and 62 x 300 seconds OIII for a total of 8.3 hours of integrated data

Image Details:

WR-134 is the blue arc seen in the image. It is the result of a shock wave emanating from a Wolf-Rayet star. These stars have very strong stellar winds and are extremely hot, with surface temperatures ranging from 20,000K to 210,000K.
Wolf–Rayet stars are evolved, massive stars that have completely lost their outer hydrogen and are fusing helium or heavier elements in the core.
The star causing all this is the brightest star of the crooked group of four, at the center of the radius of the arc, and almost a full circle of glowing gas surrounding it, also identified as a variable star, V1769 CYG

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