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Cecille Kennedy
Oregon Coast, Oregon
12:55 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D850. 14mm, f/2.8, 13s, ISO 4000. 2s delay. tripod

Post-processing Details:

contrast, color balance, labels in Photoshop

Image Details:

Past midnight, very early on this new day, I noticed that the stars are out. Despite the ocean mist the summer triangle - that is, the trio of bright stars belonging to three different constellations - appear distinct in the sky. The triangle consists of Deneb, the brightest star of the constellation Cygnus The Swan that contains the asterism The Northern Cross. On the lower left of the cross is Altair, the brightest star of the constellation Aquila The Eagle, On the lower right is Vega, the brightest star of the triangle, and the brightest star of the constellation Lyra.
I think this is my first time to diagram the Northern Cross. It's based on the online live position, also Wikipedia and IAU (International Astronomical Union),
The celestial panorama is a soothing balm amidst all the troubles in the world. What a delight to see the sky with shining twinkling objects.
Clear Skies!