EarthSky Community Photos

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David Hoskin
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
11:00 am

Equipment Details:

Orion ED80T-CF refractor, APM Herschel wedge, ASI290MM camera with UV/IR cut and Green 58A filters, SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount

Post-processing Details:

SER file captured with SharpCap, stacked with Autostakkert, sharpened with IMPPG, additional post-processing with Photoshop and MS Photo

Image Details:

Sunspot groups AR3376 (top) and AR3373 (bottom) are rotating out of view; however, AR3373 is still a potential source of M-class solar flares.

Matching Donation Campaign

Exciting news! EarthSky received a $50,000 gift, with a request that it be used to collect matching funds. Please help us meet this match by donating to EarthSky today!

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