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Jennifer J. Wilhoit
Bainbridge Island, WA USA
11:12 am

Equipment Details:

Canon SX70 HS

Post-processing Details:

increased definition by one increment; decreased highlights by one increment;
trimmed the edges a bit

Image Details:

The bright, fiery colors of a western tanager drew my attention outside on Saturday morning. After taking a few photographs of him, I realized the yard was alive with many individuals of eight or nine other bird species who were all foraging on seeds and berries. I began to photograph whomever would sit still. After taking this shot of a juvenile house finch, I went inside to upload my photographs. It wasn't until I looked closely that I saw the white tufts above the eyes. I researched house finches and learned that the just-fledged individuals keep these white feather tufts for a while after they leave the nest. (The mature individuals of this species do not have them.) After observing hundreds of finches over the years, I was delighted to learn this new fact via an impromptu photo shoot. May your new life be brilliant, Finch Fledgling.