EarthSky Community Photos

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Peter Lowenstein
Mutare, Zimbabwe
06:15 pm

Equipment Details:

Tripod-mounted Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS40 in manual exposure mode. (4 seconds at F/3.5)

Post-processing Details:

Compilation of montage of three photographs taken between 6.15 and 6.23 pm. Minimal application of 'Star Spikes Pro' filter to make stars and planets more clearly visible.

Image Details:

Moon, Leo Stars and Planets in Fading Volcanic Sunset.
During the afternoon on Saturday 22nd July, rapid clearance of unexpected winter rain clouds which had developed over the past two days permitted the Moon, Mars, Leo Stars Regulus and Algieba, Venus and Mercury to appear in fading glow from a colorful volcanic sunset display. Passing residual thin high cloud produced an intermittent halo around the 20% illuminated waxing crescent Moon which was now high in the evening sky following its recent retrograde transit past the other celestial objects.