EarthSky Community Photos

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Marybeth Kiczenski
San Juan Mountains, Colorado
10:30 pm

Equipment Details:

Sony a7iv (astromodified visible +h-alpha)
Sony 12-24mm f/2.8 lens

Post-processing Details:

Blue-hour focus stacked for clarity in foreground elements.
Blended with sky image. All from same camera and setup. Didn't move!

Image Details:

Chance photo-bombing of the space x rocket! I had my camera setup for milky way, and after getting all the images for the forca stack on the foreground, I went and laid down on a rock, leaving the camera in place. That's when I noticed a bright light crest over the mountains! Looked like Aurora... But it couldn't be... Because this was south facing and in Colorado! Was neat to witness. I've never seen one of these launches.