EarthSky Community Photos

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Kamala Venkatesh
Julian, California, USA
09:20 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon d750; Rokinon 20mm/f1.8 prime

Post-processing Details:

Lightroom...very little processing needed...colours were vibrant

Image Details:

I had just shot the Space X as it wanders over to the right side of the lake. I was prepared to capture the Milky Way, which I did. It was a beautiful Milky Way and conditions were perfect. However, I saw a big blob of red in my images. It did look like the Space X, but it had been a while since the Space X had passed. I thought that there was something wrong with my lens or my camera(I had dropped my camera after shooting the Space X) and I was distraught. My fellow photographer also found the red 'blob' in his images...and whew, I was happy it wasn't my camera Mal-functioning! The glow from the Space X still lingered in the sky and showed up in my images but faded as the night went by. I was pleased with the image since it is nothing like a 'normal' Milky Way shot...the red blob enhances the image and makes it more interesting. I even got reflections in the lake of the passing Space X! Amazing...I am very stoked. My subsequent images, after shooting for about 45 minutes, did not have the red blob in the sky. It was so strong while it lasted that the water and the sky looked red. Cuyamaca is located in Julian which is an IDS Community. Hence hardly any external light pollution.