EarthSky Community Photos

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David Hoskin
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
10:00 am

Equipment Details:

Equipment Details:
Celestron 150XLT reflector with Baader solar filter, ZWO ASI533MC Pro camera, and SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount for white light; Lunt 40mm solar telescope, ZWO ASI290MM camera with GSO 2.5x Barlow, and SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount for hydrogen-alpha.

Post-processing Details:

Post-processing Details:
For the white light image, 150 frames of video were stacked with AutoStakkert. Photoshop and Microsoft Photo were used for post-processing of the stacked image. For the hydrogen alpha image, 100 frames of video were stacked with AutoStakkert. IMPPG was used for sharpening and additional post-processing used Photoshop and Microsoft Photo. The portion showing the surface was inverted for improved detail and false color was added using Photoshop.

Image Details:

White light (left) and hydrogen-alpha filtered images of sunspot group AR3372 that just came into view on the northeast limb of the Sun, imaged on 13 July. AR3372 has already been the source of several strong M-class solar flares.

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